How to find pockets of peace in painful times

 How to find pockets of peace in painful times [idea from @nikkita_gill]

Read lines by those who know what you need to read.  Thank the big Man that is by me in shadowy days and shiny nights. Thank the young Woman that grows near my branches, wondrous, wise and wide.  Thank the bros that have bloomed round the same trunk, solid, loving and loyal.  Embrace the friends so present when needed, so silent when silence is the need... Hug their different rainbow colors and help them shine in dew and moonlight. Read a couple more lines by maya or mary or gioconda or rupi or nina or her. Read the love-loaded messages by my fierceful teaching army so full of arms and hearts. Sip some hot sugar-sweet tea. Look at pics of days full of smiles of small moments that change history. Love history. Treasure your history. Carpe diem... memento mori. Write a poem... share it.  One more sip. Peace pocket half full. Pain released. Magic works. Magic exists. Believe.  Be.  Live.


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