Poem in progress...YOU CAN HELP!

"I hate endings. Just detest them.
Beginnings are definitely the most exciting (...) The most authentic endings are the ones which are already revolving towards another beginning."
Sam Shepard
Big Bang!
Dawn. An egg.  A sapling.  A bulging belly.  A baby.  Smell of newness.
A handshake. A kiss. Hello, what's your name? 
Taking off.  Landing. Moving.  Receiving the key.  Opening the door. 
Monday.  January. aA, 1, Alpha, I.  Me.
First steps, kiss, call, date, day of term.  Yes.  Song, dance, word, lines.
Once upon a time...

Thanks a lot Miss Dolo Castex & Tabatha Janices for your ideas!


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