I Will Fight

I Will fight.

You may want to change my history,
Make it shorter, paint it black,
You may cloud it up in bad cells
But still, like a warrior, i´ll fight.

Does my simple life inflame you?
Why do you want to spread your bugs?
Don´t you stand my loud quick laughter?
Don´t you like my warm, huge hugs?

Like a rainbow, like a flower,
I grow stronger with the rain.
Like a lion, like a condor.
I love freedom, I hate chains.

Do you enjoy it when I´m broken?
Flooding tears, trembling lips,
Broken hopes, fading dreams,
Heavy stomach, painful hips.
Does my good nature offend you?
Are you jealous of my Friends?
You will never own my treasures,
I will fight it till the end.

You may prick me in your poison,
You may squeeze me with your claws,
Yet, I will pluck up all forces,
Cling to virtues, stamp on flaws.

Are you shocked by all my poems?
Don´t you like it how they rhyme?
Words and more words are my weapons,
Like a warrior, I WILL FIGHT!

Written on Dec 19, inspired by Still I Rise by Maya Angelou


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