A Reason for Greyish Days

There must be a reason for greyish days
Black couds are part of the rules of the game
The rainbow always marries drops and rays
For life keeps on rolling, so does the world.

Black clouds are part of the rules of the game
Have umbrellas ready, and hot teas to share,
For life keeps on rolling, so does the world,
Be patient, stick together, wait for the rays!

Have umbrellas ready, and hot teas to share,
Grey days happen, grey days clear away,
Be patient, stick together, wait for the rays!
And slide down the rainbow, as long as it stays.

Grey days happen, grey days clear away,
Leave a window open, don´t seclude yourself.
And slide down the rainbow, as long as it stays,
For life is this, a dynamic pallete.

Leave a window open, don´t seclude yourself!
The rainbow always marries drops and rays,
For life is this, a dynamic pallete,
There must be a reason for greyish days.

26 January, written on a cool morning after scorching hot summer days
Wind moving the curtains, lovely morning, enjoyable temperature


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