Th1rteen r3asons why you should live life:

1. It is a right of yours despite all the wrongs that may wring your heart.

2. It is a game you must play, not win, just play. The more you play the more you learn how to play the game.

3. It is a team sport. You are not alone. Make sure you choose the right partners, though.

4.  You will make mistakes. It is not the end!

5. It is not a bed of roses but never stop looking for the roses. And grow some, why not?

6.  Smell the roses!

7. Laugh out loud.  You will frighten the thorns or soften their sharp ends, at least.

8. Fall in love. Fall out of love. And in again, and again, and again.

9.  Read. Read. Read.

10. Hug. Kiss. Hug.

11. Cry. Sad and happy tears.

12. You will make mistakes. It is not the end.

13. Don't STOP this game...PLAY!

8 May 2017


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